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[PHP] Simple Microphone Recorder

  var appWidth = 24;
  var appHeight = 24;
  var flashvars = {'event_handler': 'microphone_recorder_events', 'upload_image': 'images/upload.png'};
  var params = {};
  var attributes = {'id': "recorderApp", 'name':  "recorderApp"};
  swfobject.embedSWF("recorder.swf", "flashcontent", appWidth, appHeight, "10.1.0", "", flashvars, params, attributes);

Flash vars

event_handler: javascript function called from the flash application

upload_image: image used as the save button

font_color: font color for the save text, default #0000EE

font_size: font size for the save text, default 12

save_text: text used for the save link, default Save

background_color: background color of the flash app, only used when using a save link

if upload_image failes recorder will use a save link instead

Flash Events
ready: recorder is ready for use

width - save button's width
height - save button's height
no_microphone_found: no microphone was found when trying to record

microphone_user_request: user needs to allow the recorder to access the microphone

microphone_connected: user allowed access to the microphone

microphone - Microphone object from flash, can be used to get the name of the microphone, i.e. microphone.name
microphone_not_connected: user denied access to the microphone, at this point the recorder CAN NOT be used until the user reloads the page

recording: recording audio data from the microphone

name - of the recording that was specified when record was called
recording_stopped: stopped recording audio data

name - of the recording that was specified when record was called
duration - of the recording as a floating point value in seconds
playing: playing back the recorded audio data

name - of the recording that was specified when play was called
playback_started: useful for synchronizing playback with animation

name - of the recording that was specified when play was called
latency - number of milliseconds before playback starts
stopped: stopped playing back the recorded audio data

name - of the recording that was specified when play was called
save_pressed: save button was pressed in the recorder, good place to update the form data in the recorder

name - of the recording
saving: upload is in progress

name - of the recording
saved: upload is complete

name - of the recording
response - from the server as a string, can use var data = jQuery.parseJSON(arguments[2]) if response is json
save_failed: the recorder failed to upload the audio data

name - of the recording
error - message as a string
save_progress: upload progress

name - of the recording
bytes_loaded - number of bytes uploaded
bytes_total - number of bytes to upload

Recorder JS Interface
record: tells the recorder to record audio data from the microphone

name - of the recording, basically a reference to the recording, use this name for playback
filename - [optional] if saving the file on the server, this is the name of the file to save the WAV file as
will also stop recording if currently recording

playBack: tells the recorder to playback the recorded audio

name - of the recording
will stop playback if called before playback ends

stopPlayBack: tells the recorder to stop recording or playback

duration: returns the duration of the recording

name - of the recording
init: setup the recorder for saving recordings

url - upload url
field_name - name of the form field for the WAV file
form_data - additional form data. Specified as an array of name/value pairs. ex: [{"name": 'authenticity_token', "value": "xxxx"}, {"name": "format", "value": "json"}]
permit: show the permissions dialog for microphone access, make sure the flash application is large enough for the dialog box before calling this method. Must be at least 240x160.

show: show the save button

hide: hide the save button

update: update the form data

form_data - additional form data, in jQuery you can use $('#upload_form').serializeArray()
configure: configure microphone settings

rate - at which the microphone captures sound, in kHz. default is 22. Currently we only support 44 and 22.
gain - the amount by which the microphone should multiply the signal before transmitting it. default is 100
silence_level - amount of sound required to activate the microphone and dispatch the activity event. default is 0
silence_timeout - number of milliseconds between the time the microphone stops detecting sound and the time the activity event is dispatched. default is 4000
setUseEchoSuppression: use echo suppression

setLoopBack: routes audio captured by a microphone to the local speakers

getMicrophone: returns the microphone object


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